SACHETS - traduction vers arabe
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SACHETS - traduction vers arabe



فَأْرَةُ الطِّيب

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Exemples de prononciation pour SACHETS
1. introduced sachets, more rural-friendly products,
Shashank Shah _ Talks at Google
2. And you had to buy these very expensive sachets
Radical Ideas From The World's Smartest Minds _ David Rowan _ Talks at Google
3. So we packaged DryBath in these innovative little sachets.
4. realized you could squeeze the sachets with your hand
Radical Ideas From The World's Smartest Minds _ David Rowan _ Talks at Google
5. So I had to tear each sachet, 200 sachets, of--
Javid Abdelmoneim _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour SACHETS
1. IAMS SELECT BITES IN GRAVY CAT FOOD, 12X100g SACHETS (SIX CHICKEN AND SIX BEEF) Cost: 2.74 Packaging offence: There are 12 individual plastic sachets inside a cardboard box.
2. Ketchup, wrappers, sachets, little bubbles of spilt cola, evaporating fast.
3. Searches uncovered more than 100 sachets of blood, some frozen, and at least 100 sachets of plasma, as well as steroids, growth hormone and the blood boosting hormone erythropoietin.
4. Abdullah sells five sachets — sourced from another Nigerian — to Sahil for Rs 12,500.
5. The shopkeeper produced small sachets." Reader comments (0) No comments have so far been submitted.